

Subscriptions on Polar is a powerful way to offer your audience a way to support you financially on a recurring cadence.

Subscriptions & Benefits

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Subscriptions come with some incredibly powerful features beyond what you'd expect.

Reach your entire audience with free tier(s)

You automatically have a built-in - free - tier offering newsletter access to your Public Posts on Polar. Of course, you can edit it to add even more benefits too.

Enabling your entire audience to subscribe with email-only at first and for you to have one platform to reach them all.

Of course, you can offer paid tiers too that backers can upgrade to seamlessly over time.

Many developers shy away from offering paid services & benefits due to the value-add tax implications. Calculating, capturing & remitting value-add taxes internationally is a crushing overhead for individual developers.

That's why we're incredibly proud to be the merchant of record and handle value-add taxes so you don't have to. Read more about the details here.

Unparalleled business offerings

Open source developers tend to have sponsorship tiers for individual users vs. businesses, but they're all treated the same. Not with Polar.

Polar has the concept of subscription audiences: Individual vs. Business. Separating them publicly for clarity, but also ensuring benefits are granted to all individual team members of the organization that subscribes.

Offering unparalleled opportunities and value to subscriptions offered via Polar to businesses.

Powerful, built-in, benefits

You can setup custom benefits with Polar (free text) for maximum flexibility. However, we're going to invest heavily in automating typical benefits offered within our ecosystem. Making it seamless for you to manage & delightful for your backers to use.